networking with the Monk
Published on January 31, 2008 By the_Monk In Technical

I have already posted this information to several other forums including the World in Conflict forums where it has received much attention and helped many people with posts such as "I can't connect to servers" , "I can't see all the servers" , "my friends can't see/connect to my server" etc. I have decided to post it again and hopefully it'll be made into a sticky!

I work in IT (design complex NAT/network structures for coporate clients) so that's how I know what I'm talking about. Second, I've had my server the Monk's [PROVING GROUNDS] running a dedicated server for most multiplayer games released since HW1/Operation Flashpoint, so anyone with game hosting issues, ask away! NAT and the misconceptions/inability to configure it are the single largest cause for people not being able to see/connect to/host internet servers today!


A quick lesson on NAT:

NAT (Strict) - Port AND Address-restricted NAT (the router/firewall insists that the packet return from both the same IP Address AND Port the packet was originally sent out to)

NAT (Moderate) - Port-restricted NAT (the router/firewall insists that the packet return from the same Port the packet was originally sent out to but doesn't care if the IP Address isn't the same)

NAT (OPEN) - Port AND Address independent NAT (the router/firewall doesn't care which Port OR IP Address the return packet comes from and simply forwards the data packet on to the internal IP you will have specified in your "port-forwarding") Obviously OPEN-NAT is the least secure and also by extension the most flexible for hosting/connecting-to games.

MOST games will work having TCP set to STRICT and UDP set to MODERATE. ALL games will work setting both TCP and UDP NAT filtering to OPEN. (your routers may or may not even let you modify NAT filtering, many SOHO routers do not!) I have "real" routers/firewalls (very expensive also ) so I have granular control over many things that many SOHO routers don't even reference such as the above.

If your router DOES allow NAT control then my suggestions above willwork! Plain and simple. NAT, when not implemented with any sort of controls (like on many SOHO routers, and crappy retail anti-malware/firewall software) is the single biggest reason for sour gamers!

Happy gaming/hosting, monk out!

xfire: the1monk


EDIT: here is a link a "networking guide for the gamer" I wrote which may also come in handy the "[url=]Networking for the Gamer[/url]" guide I compiled of all the "generic" networking information I posted to various forums.


Here is the link to my SINS-specific guide "Networking and SINS" (version 1.0 written Feb 14/2008) which contains all information necessary in order to play/host SINS!

Comments (Page 4)
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on Feb 08, 2008
Looking over the pleas for help, I see that individual step-by-step guides for any/all home user routers would be immensely helpful! I can put together one for the DL-4300 Gaming Lounge, once I can get some free time.

What would really be cool, anyone that has MP setup and working, please create instructions (screenshots a plus!) and post them here. List make, model, firmware version of your router too. Sometimes they can be the same model, but one has newer code and has changes that affect the configuration. Listing the OS of the hosting machine (e.g. your PC) and what firewall and/or anti-virus/spyware application(s) you are using (and how you have them set) is a must. If you don't have time to make the guide, but want to help anyway...let someone know here, maybe I can be persuaded to make it for you!?!?!

A helping your fellow gamer out, just increases the pool of MP n00bs out there for all you experienced players to obliterate (i.e. it's in your best interests to help these guys out!) HEHE!
on Feb 08, 2008
Its a no brainer that giving is receiving all in one package.
this particular page:
helped me with my router.
didnt need to do anything else in my case (i dont use any antispyware except for the ones that scan your HD every now and then)
on Feb 08, 2008
on Feb 08, 2008

I have been helping as many people as I can. In fact I haven't played more than 2 games in SINS yet (I've hosted plenty, just not played in them) because I've been busy talking people through the steps on my TeamSpeak server.

1. As I've pointed out earlier in this thread, only TCP is used for this game.
TCP port 6112 <-- gameport
TCP port 6000 <-- connection to IC-online

2. I've also pointed out several times (and then personally helped many) to make sure you're not only OPENING ports for traffic (ie. like through a software firewall etc.) but that if you have a router in-between your PC and the internet you need to make sure to FORWARD that traffic from your router to your PC (the correct IP address).

3. My testing has also concluded that several people who had already used my instructions/guide and opened/forwarded everything correctly had an issue where Windows Live Onecare and Windows Defender "silently" block this game's connection. These people that I've helped with that issue have temporarily "killed" the windows processes "MSASCui.exe and MsMPEng.exe" which enables flawless gaming/hosting through IC-online. (I have notified MS about this issue and hopefully they'll update it in a future definition update.)

4. People are not dumb, most of the time they're just lazy.    Between my posts&guide, sites like (where they have screenshots of most consumer-model routers etc.) and hopping onto my Teamspeak server many people have been, and continue to be helped.

the Monk
on Feb 08, 2008
Dude, are you getting put-off because I'm adding my input to your thread? I'm not saying you're not helping people, I'm just adding to it. That's what we call collaborating! I only had an issue with the terminology you were using when discussing NAT, but never have I insinuated you don't know what you're doing or talking about. can take all the credit.
on Feb 08, 2008
Dude, are you getting put-off because I'm adding my input to your thread? I'm not saying you're not helping people, I'm just adding to it. I only had an issue with the terminology you were using when discussing NAT, but never have I insinuated you don't know what you're doing or talking about. can take all the credit.

No one is getting "put-off". I was responding to your earlier post (#46) not the one you moved.

quote from you:

"Looking over the pleas for help, I see that individual step-by-step guides for any/all home user routers would be immensely helpful! I can put together one for the DL-4300 Gaming Lounge, once I can get some free time."

my response:
I was pointing out that I have given "step-by-step" guides I just don't want to litter this thread with them as places like already have them. I understand that in the cisco-world my terminology wouldn't be recognized, however as I pointed out I took my "terminology" straight from the help file on a D-Link DGL-4300 (gamerlounge router) which you've said you would write a guide for. Not a tad ironic? hehe

quote from you:

"What would really be cool, anyone that has MP setup and working, please create instructions (screenshots a plus!) and post them here. List make, model, firmware version of your router too. Sometimes they can be the same model, but one has newer code and has changes that affect the configuration. Listing the OS of the hosting machine (e.g. your PC) and what firewall and/or anti-virus/spyware application(s) you are using (and how you have them set) is a must. If you don't have time to make the guide, but want to help anyway...let someone know here, maybe I can be persuaded to make it for you!?!?!"

my response:

I have posted how I've gotten MP to work. To quote myself:
1. As I've pointed out earlier in this thread, only TCP is used for this game.
TCP port 6112 <-- gameport
TCP port 6000 <-- connection to IC-online

2. I've also pointed out several times (and then personally helped many) to make sure you're not only OPENING ports for traffic (ie. like through a software firewall etc.) but that if you have a router in-between your PC and the internet you need to make sure to FORWARD that traffic from your router to your PC (the correct IP address).

3. My testing has also concluded that several people who had already used my instructions/guide and opened/forwarded everything correctly had an issue where Windows Live Onecare and Windows Defender "silently" block this game's connection. These people that I've helped with that issue have temporarily "killed" the windows processes "MSASCui.exe and MsMPEng.exe" which enables flawless gaming/hosting through IC-online. (I have notified MS about this issue and hopefully they'll update it in a future definition update.)

quote from you

"A helping your fellow gamer out, just increases the pool of MP n00bs out there for all you experienced players to obliterate (i.e. it's in your best interests to help these guys out!) HEHE!"

my response

See the above where I say "I have been helping. I've only ever been interested in keeping things simplified, so that I have less to explain in "follow-up" posts (this isn't the first game I've lent considerable network support to a game via forum posts and TS), I know the methods that work, and those that might only serve to confuse people more which is why I've posted "generalized" information here, to get everyone on-track with WHAT they need to do and if they can't figure out HOW to do it themselves (ie. forward ports, open firewalls, disable anti-malware, relax-Nat if needed) then I've made myself available to talk them through it all.   

Those, and nothing more were my points.

-monk out!
on Feb 08, 2008
@ the Monk


Since I do agree some users are lazy, I feel they need a little more coddling is all...links don't cut it sometimes! Maybe a PM for your "points" are in order? To some people, it may look like a flame war is going on! I'm really not trying to start one! It's OK though, I'll go piss in another pond! (comical figure of speech)

My DL-4300 guide isn't up yet, as I haven't set it up yet. Like you, I haven't much of a chance to play it. This weekend I'll have it set up, since I'll be playing with some friends I introduced to this game!

Forum posts on a seriousness scale, don't need to be taken all that serious...but I don't consider how long your guide and posts/replies are as "simple", nor mine for that matter...networking isn't simple sometimes! How do I (or anyone reading this thread) suppose to know how many people you helped? If new replies come up asking for help all the time, it's easy to conclude there's still a lot of help needed out there! Can we move on now?
on Feb 10, 2008
I'm still having issues hosting a game, even with the proper ports opened in my Linksys router. I'm assuming it's because of the NAT rules are still in effect. Is there any way to set the rules properly short of either buying a new router or ditching it entirely? Maybe switch to 3rd party firmware?
on Feb 10, 2008
I'm still having issues hosting a game, even with the proper ports opened in my Linksys router. I'm assuming it's because of the NAT rules are still in effect. Is there any way to set the rules properly short of either buying a new router or ditching it entirely? Maybe switch to 3rd party firmware?

Make sure you're not in a "double-nat" situation (my quide explains what that is). If you are, and are having trouble changing that, contact me....I'll get you on my TS server and we'll get this solved for you.


the Monk

on Feb 10, 2008
Hey Monk,

I might have missed it in your guide, but how do I know if my cable modem is running as a router?
on Feb 11, 2008
Hey Monk,

I might have missed it in your guide, but how do I know if my cable modem is running as a router?

Do you have a router besides your cable-modem? If so, check the WAN IP of your router in the "status" page. If it starts with something like then yes your cable-modem is also setup to "route" between the internet and you. If you don't have a router besides your cable-modem, check to see what IP your PC has, if it again starts with something like then yes your cable-modem is also acting as a router.

the Monk
on Feb 11, 2008
I have a netgear WR614v6, just did a check of the "status" and I didn't see a 192 ip address. I'm about at my wit's end here. I have no idea why the game doesn't want me to host. I'm a nice guy, I'd be a great host.

I unplugged the router and plugged the cable modem directly to the PC. IP doesn't start with 192.
on Feb 11, 2008
I have a netgear WR614v6, just did a check of the "status" and I didn't see a 192 ip address. I'm about at my wit's end here. I have no idea why the game doesn't want me to host. I'm a nice guy, I'd be a great host.

I unplugged the router and plugged the cable modem directly to the PC. IP doesn't start with 192.

All evidence points to your cable-modem not being setup as a router. All you need to do now is forward the ports I've listed to your PC's IP and make sure you've got all of your security software setup with the right "exceptions" or disabled and you'll be able to host.

NOTE: You can host using the Windows Firewall (I have and continue to do so). You will still get the ICO warning message (please read my post #30 in this thread) for more info on the ICO warning message.

If you're still having problems after following my instructions, look me up on xfire and I'll give you the info for my TS Server so that I can walk you through the instructions as they pertain to your specific setup.

the Monk
on Feb 11, 2008
See monk, that is what's driving me mad. I'm nearly positive I have the proper ports forwarded, and the right exceptions set up (I've already tried hosting with the firewall turned off and it still gives me that infernal message of failure). That said, I'm sure once I get in touch with you it'll be something really stupid, like I forgot to turn the modem on or something.

on Feb 12, 2008
See monk, that is what's driving me mad. I'm nearly positive I have the proper ports forwarded, and the right exceptions set up (I've already tried hosting with the firewall turned off and it still gives me that infernal message of failure). That said, I'm sure once I get in touch with you it'll be something really stupid, like I forgot to turn the modem on or something.

Please read my post (#30) on page 1 of this thread for clarification regarding that "ICO Hosting Warning" message.

the Monk
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