networking with the Monk
Published on January 31, 2008 By the_Monk In Technical

I have already posted this information to several other forums including the World in Conflict forums where it has received much attention and helped many people with posts such as "I can't connect to servers" , "I can't see all the servers" , "my friends can't see/connect to my server" etc. I have decided to post it again and hopefully it'll be made into a sticky!

I work in IT (design complex NAT/network structures for coporate clients) so that's how I know what I'm talking about. Second, I've had my server the Monk's [PROVING GROUNDS] running a dedicated server for most multiplayer games released since HW1/Operation Flashpoint, so anyone with game hosting issues, ask away! NAT and the misconceptions/inability to configure it are the single largest cause for people not being able to see/connect to/host internet servers today!


A quick lesson on NAT:

NAT (Strict) - Port AND Address-restricted NAT (the router/firewall insists that the packet return from both the same IP Address AND Port the packet was originally sent out to)

NAT (Moderate) - Port-restricted NAT (the router/firewall insists that the packet return from the same Port the packet was originally sent out to but doesn't care if the IP Address isn't the same)

NAT (OPEN) - Port AND Address independent NAT (the router/firewall doesn't care which Port OR IP Address the return packet comes from and simply forwards the data packet on to the internal IP you will have specified in your "port-forwarding") Obviously OPEN-NAT is the least secure and also by extension the most flexible for hosting/connecting-to games.

MOST games will work having TCP set to STRICT and UDP set to MODERATE. ALL games will work setting both TCP and UDP NAT filtering to OPEN. (your routers may or may not even let you modify NAT filtering, many SOHO routers do not!) I have "real" routers/firewalls (very expensive also ) so I have granular control over many things that many SOHO routers don't even reference such as the above.

If your router DOES allow NAT control then my suggestions above willwork! Plain and simple. NAT, when not implemented with any sort of controls (like on many SOHO routers, and crappy retail anti-malware/firewall software) is the single biggest reason for sour gamers!

Happy gaming/hosting, monk out!

xfire: the1monk


EDIT: here is a link a "networking guide for the gamer" I wrote which may also come in handy the "[url=]Networking for the Gamer[/url]" guide I compiled of all the "generic" networking information I posted to various forums.


Here is the link to my SINS-specific guide "Networking and SINS" (version 1.0 written Feb 14/2008) which contains all information necessary in order to play/host SINS!

Comments (Page 8)
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on Jun 02, 2008
OK--I have done everything you have said to do--set up the server and all--and I still can't host.
What is the problem?
I have followed your instructions to the letter, and can't host a game.*


*My NAT is an OPEN NAT and thus that is not the problem, I have no working firewall, any security programs are for spam and viruses, and are set to allow SINS.exe access to the internet, and everything else is set up as it should be.
I am running on a Lynksis Compact Wireless-G USB Adapter (WUS854GC) and are connected to a Lynksis Wireless-G Broadband Router (WRT54G), which is connected to a Comcast Standard Modem with "Powerboost".
on Jun 02, 2008
Unless you use static IP witch i guess you dont, everytime you turn on your pc you are more than likely assigned a different ip adress (Not always the case)

In any case, goto and use the guide, you can even choose your router for exact step by step instructions.

more exactly use this link
The site doesnt have Sins of a Solar empire, so on the last step use Sins and port 6112 to 6113
on Jun 02, 2008
@ fatalerror99917

It sounds like you used my more "generic" networking for the gamer guide linked-to from the regular FAQ.

If you scroll up to the top of this thread you'll see a link to (under the green writing) my SINS-specific guide (Networking and SINS) I wrote back in Feb. That guide contains a step-by-step that will have you hosting in no time.


the Monk

PS. As usual, I am available most evenings (CST-time) to talk you through the steps via my TeamSpeak server. All I ask is that you've already read through my guide so we don't waste time.
on Jun 02, 2008
i try to do what you said in your guide. step by step.

only problem is when i try doing port forwarding in the NAT section of my modems utility page, it says "ILLEGAL PORT!" when trying to put in 6112 or 6000.

xfire is xerojwo

plz help me Monk!
on Jun 02, 2008
okay i got it to accept it now, i read the guide to my router on or whatever and that worked.

so i try hosting and what happens now is...people can join my game for like a brief second then it boots them.

so in other words, still cant host. but im getting closer.

all firewalls on the modem are disabled and i have only windows firewall on here which has Sins allowed access also i run the game in admin mode.

plz help, monk!

on Jun 02, 2008
@ jwilliamo

I've added you to my xfire. I'll try to be online soon.

It is possible (if you have a router in addition to your cable/dsl modem) that you're running into (as I say in my guide) a double-NAT issue.

If you have TeamSpeak, please send me a PM and I'll send you my TS server info, so that I can talk you through the steps.


the Monk
on Jun 04, 2008

how do i configure my apple airport extreme basis station router to host a game?

on Jun 04, 2008


I just sent you a PM with a link to the Apple Airport Extreme port-forwarding guide on Use that link to find out where exactly to enter the ports needed for SINS described in my guide.


the Monk
on Jun 05, 2008

thx monk but thats no my router, i got this one

on Jul 15, 2008
i agree with RAY!...
on Jul 15, 2008
i agree with RAY!...   

This thread is about helping people configure their network setup for SINS, please keep it that way.
on Jul 19, 2008
This is killing me.

Opened Ports, Accepting Inbound and Outbound, Even tried DMZ-ing my computer, but still didn't work.

I don't have TS so if you wish, my xfire is: dazerl

UPnP? never had a problem with it before yet the router has no for-sure indication that I can even turn it on or off.

I would really love to figure out how to get it to work, not only for the gaming but for the IT experience.
on Jul 19, 2008

1. Please make sure you're using my SINS-specific guide ("Networking and SINS") linked-to under the GREEN writing at the top of this thread.

2. From the sounds of it, it looks like you're in a "double-NAT" situation (as described in my guide). I've talked several people through the proper setup who were in a "double-NAT" situation (where their cable/dsl modem is also setup to function as a router) with 100% success.

As long as your ISP isn't blocking/filtering anything (like P2P traffic etc.) and you're not at a university dorm etc. (where you don't have physical access to all NAT devices upstream) you can be assured my instructions work 100% of the time.

My xfire is the1monk, but I would prefer if you downloaded TS (unless that's not possible for you).


the Monk
on Aug 02, 2008
God for you that You know so much.
But why not get game that work for our maney.

I have tried to download the utility you mention at codeproject but could not fain it... can you help Please.

I got stuck already what next?
on Aug 02, 2008


You don't need that utility. That is a utility I use to run/restart etc. all of the various dedicated servers I run for games like COD4, Vegas2, TF2, WiC etc.

SINS doesn't work client-server, SINS is purely P2P which means - no dedicated server.

All you need is the guide under the GREEN writing in my OP at the top of the page.

"Networking and SINS" - (follow those steps and you'll be able to host SINS version 1.05)

You could download (via Impulse) version 1.09 (which is the BETA for SINS version 1.1) and then you don't need to forward ports or anything else.


the Monk
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