What a shipping fantastic time!
two funny trailers......
Feels like a hyper-jazzed game of battleship.........so much fun.
Awesome. Reminds me of a cult classic game called Naval Ops back on the PS2, except it was a strange mix of arcade style action game with extreme ship customization. No puns or sex voice though.
I've been trying Leviathan, seems ok but the single player game seems bare.
Naval Ops? Boy does that bring back memories. I played all the games and they ROCKED. I loved designing my uberships of sudden death and blowing entire fleets out of the water. I also loved the quirky humorous aspects, like Duck ships and planes, drill ships etc.
I was less thrilled with the duckships (I don't mind quirky as long as my ships still look awesome), but yeah, if I could group all three games together they are easily in my top 5 favorite games of all time. Definitely my cult classic guilty pleasure.
Sadly while there are a decent number of people who really loved those games, there is no website for it around, at least in English. To find fellow fans I usually have to go around posting in the usually bad quality videos on Youtube or the Warship Gunner II boards on Gamefaqs.