The first game ( 'PAYDAY : The Heist' ) was epic 4-player coop fun (of course it was almost a direct copy of Left 4 Dead if you replace the 'survivors' with a group of thieves and the 'zombies' with police...hehe)...........this one will be even more epic........oh and speaking of 'epicness'.......the soundtrack to the original was/is still one of the best in-game soundtracks since the pinnacle of game soundtracks (Homeworld
So if you like getting together with friends and cooperatively kicking some ass while taking down a big score......check it out.
There were 3 negatives for me about the original game (Payday the Heist). The FOV was too narrow for my liking, the AI was often dumb-as-shit, and in some later patches they added 'head-bobbing' to the movement in the game which coupled with the narrow FOV made the game less enjoyable for me. Having said that though, I most certainly have spent many more hours playing PAYDAY with friends than some of the other much more expensive AAA shooters released over the years and absolutely believe the original and the soon-to-be-released sequel worthy of their respective costs.