Today I received yet another call from the toll-free number that has been calling me on and off (sometimes multiple times in one day) for several months.
I had answered a call from that number during the first month's assault on my digits (after 4 or 5 unanswered attempts) and determined they were a 'third-party' calling on behalf (supposedly) of my carrier. They asked if I was satisfied with my 'plan' and if it 'met my current and future needs'. At the time I thought "how the hell could I know if it met my future needs?" but in any case I politely explained that "yes, everything was fine" and the phone call ended.
Fast-forward a month or so, during which the assault on my number (and sanity) continued. So one morning I answered again. This time I wasn't as 'sweet' (as sweet as I can be first thing in the morning!) as I explained that YES I was happy, and that NO I did not need repeated calls to verify that! Call ends.
Here we are, today, after yet another month or so of repeated (sometimes multiple times daily) calls from that number. I decide to answer.
>> Hi is this so and so?
Yes, where are you calling from and why do I keep receiving these calls?
>> This is so and so, calling from third-party on behalf of your carrier sir!
Why are you and not my carrier calling?
>> We are calling on their behalf to see if your current plan meets your current and future needs sir!
I've already answered that question in a previous call from you.
>> Really? Well is that still the case?
If I wanted to change my plan I would call my carrier directly.
>> We just want to know if you are happy sir!
Well I can tell you that the 100 or so calls I've had to ignore from you over the last several months are what is not making me happy
>> I thought you said you spoke with us before?
I did, twice out of all of those calls I was able to answer the phone and speak with you. Nothing has changed since then why do I keep getting these calls?
>> We just want to make sure you're happy sir!
Well I can tell you this, as I am not under any contract with my carrier please inform them that if I get even ONE more call from your 'third-party on behalf of....' I will be cancelling my services with them.
>> Because of a courtesy call sir?
>> I said, because of a courtesy call sir?
You think this is a 'courtesy' to me? Calling me well over 100 times over a period of several months is not a COURTESY CALL!!!
>> Well sir, If you would like to be removed from our list I can certainly do that. Please be advised though it can take up to 14 days.
All I can tell you is if I receive even one more call from you I will be cancelling with my carrier, a call which I will make to them DIRECTLY and in which I will clearly let them know that your 'third-party on behalf of' is the reason for my cancellation.
>> Alright sir, is there anything else we can do for you?
<takes phone from ear and looks incredulously at the phone in his hand>
No. Just make sure you don't call me again.
Of course I realize I could just 'block' their number from my phone etc. etc. I just felt the very little bit of 'humour' I could muster at the words "COURTESY CALL" needed sharing!
Here's hoping everyone's day is humming along!